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Herbal Teas to Lift Your Mood This Winter

Discover how to navigate long nights and cold weather with our list of the best herbal teas to lift your mood this winter.



Winter is a hard season for many of us. The long nights, overcast days, and colder weather can quickly start to drag, leaving us longing for the warmer, lighter days of spring and summer.

Lack of sunlight and less time outdoors can herald the winter blues โ€“ a feeling of low mood associated with the colder months. And for some, this low mood can be a sign ofย seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a type of depression that is associated with particular times of the year.

Some people experience SAD during the summer months too. However, it is winter that many people with SAD find most difficult.

An estimated two million people in the UK are affected by SAD, according to the NHS. As well as low mood, the disorder is characterised by a lack of energy, sleep issues, irritability, overeating, and a desire to avoid socialising.

If the winter months are affecting your mood, there are things you can do that may help. Taking care of your physical health, getting outdoors as much as you can, developing good self-care routines, and talking to friends, family, or professionals can all help you cope with low mood at this time of year.

We recommend checking out the resources supplied by mental health charity, MIND, if you are struggling with SAD or finding it difficult to cope during the winter.

There are also some natural remedies that might help to relieve some of the symptoms of seasonal affective disorder, including certain herbs. To help you get started, hereโ€™s our list of the best herbal teas to lift your mood this winter.


1. Lavender

A calming herb, lavender has been used for centuries to promote healthy sleep. Research also shows that it is effective in treating depression and anxiety. If youโ€™re feeling low and find your sleep patterns are disrupted during the winter months, lavender is a great herb to choose.


2. Chamomile

Chamomile is one of the most popular herbal teas and is known for its relaxing qualities. Like lavender, chamomile is great for helping us get a good nightโ€™s sleep. As a nervine, it also helps to calm our nervous systems and soothes anxiety.


3. Valerian

If youโ€™re finding that the darker months are playing havoc with your sleeping patterns, valerian tea may be the one for you. This natural sedative is one of the best-known herbs for healthy sleep, soothing our minds and helping us get the rest we need.


4. Ashwagandha

When it comes to lifting our moods, one of the best herbs to reach for is ashwagandha. This adaptogen helps to combat stress and fatigue, gives us a better nightโ€™s sleep, and helps us reclaim our energy and vitality too.


5. Lemon Balm

Citrusy lemon balm is another wonderful herbal ally when you are feeling low. This herb is traditionally used to treat depression and low mood, as well as anxiety and insomnia. Itโ€™s an uplifting and calming herb that can help us cope better with the winter months.


6. Rhodiola

Seasonal affective disorder is often associated with low energy and mental fatigue. Enter rhodiola, a herb that is prized for its ability to raise our energy levels, boost our cognition and concentration, and lift our mood. As an adaptogen, rhodiola is also great for combatting stress and anxiety.


7. NutraBoost

If dark mornings have you struggling to get out of bed, our NutraBoost blend is the one to reach for. Weโ€™ve packed this herbal tea full of energising herbs that help to clear your mind and give you a sense of long-lasting vitality. Ashwagandha and rhodiola both play a part in this blend, as do herbs like green tea, gotu kola, ginseng, and liquorice.

NutraTea Ginseng and Ashwagandha Tea - Helping to combat Tiredness and Fatigue


8. NutraRelax

When you need a gentle herbal brew to comfort you and lift your mood, our NutraRelax tea is like a hug in a cup. Weโ€™ve combined soothing herbs like chamomile and lavender with uplifting lemon balm to create this blend, which also contains hawthorn berry, fennel, cinnamon, passionflower, liquorice, and viburnum.


NutraTea Chamomile and Lemon Balm- Helping you find Tranquillity and Calm


9. Chamomile & Valerian

One of our newest flagship teas, our Chamomile & Valerian blend is ideal for anyone struggling to maintain a healthy sleep schedule. These calming herbs are both known as natural remedies for insomnia, helping you drift off easily and get the restorative rest you need to cope with the dark winter months.