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The Power of Fenugreek Herbal Tea

Health Benefits of Fenugreek Leaves

Find out how fenugreek herbal tea blends can support your entire body. Discover recommended teas for different uses.

In recent years, the online world has been full of exploration of the powerful herb, fenugreek. With both edible leaves and seeds, it offers a powerful blend of nutrients which can support parts of the body in different ways. For example, did you know that fenugreek is widely known to reduce cholesterol levels and regulate blood sugar?

In this article, we explore the benefits of fenugreek before looking at fenugreek herbal tea blends which are each designed for different purposes.

What is fenugreek?

Native to the Mediterranean region, fenugreek is a small herb with leaves that look similar to a clover and beautiful golden brown seeds in pods. For centuries, it’s been frequently used in cooking, beauty products, and herbal tea blends because of its many health benefits. Read on to discover more about these…

the benefits of fenugreek are widespread

The benefits of fenugreek

One of the most well-known benefits of fenugreek is its ability to regulate blood sugar. Because it contains soluble fibre, fenugreek can slow down the absorption of sugar in the stomach and stimulate insulin production. As such, studies have linked the herb with the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes.

Fenugreek also has a powerful impact on hormones in both men and women. Studies have shown how it boosts testosterone in men and can improve sexual function. Meanwhile, in women, fenugreek has been linked in one study with increased breast milk production and in another with alleviation of some of the discomfort caused by shifting hormone levels post-menopause.

If you’re wondering how to use herbal teas to manage cholesterol levels, fenugreek will also feature highly in your research. Its soluble fibre content helps prevent cholesterol from absorbing into the bloodstream.

Lastly, since fenugreek is able to reduce inflammation in the body, it’s also a great solution for acid reflux, heartburn and sore throats.

Where to buy fenugreek herbal tea: Our blends

We’ve combined fenugreek leaves with other incredible ingredients in five of our herbal teas. Read on to learn more about what they do and the benefits of the other ingredients too.


Designed to help you manage your cholesterol levels, NutraLipid contains fenugreek as well as garlic, red yeast rice, artichoke leaf, and green tea. This is a drink that will keep your heart healthy.

Cholesterol & Heart tea


NutraMother is our breastfeeding and postpartum recovery tea. It contains fenugreek to support the production of breast milk, shatavari to help support the female genito-reproductive system and nettle which replenishes essential vitamins and minerals. This can help you feel more energised and alert too.

Breastfeeding & Postpartum Recovery Tea


If you’re looking to soothe your throat and get rid of a tickly cough, opt for NutraThroat. This delicious herbal tea features fenugreek, eucalyptus, marshmallow root and peppermint which all soothe the upper respiratory tract.

Tea For Sore Throat & Coughs


For the perfect after-idinner blend, go for NutraReflux. It contains fenugreek as well as shatavari, peppermint and liquorice which all soothe the digestive system. You can also benefit from ginger which contributes to the normal function of the intestinal tract.

Tea for Acid Reflux & Heartburn


NutrGlycemia is a tea designed to balance blood sugar levels and support insulin metabolism. As well as fenugreek, it includes cinnamon which can improve how your body uses insulin. It also helps to manage cholesterol levels.

Diabetes Tea

Choosing fenugreek herbal tea

There’s a reason why everyone’s talking about fenugreek! If you’re ready to feel the benefits for yourself, explore our range of herbal teas. They’re all designed not only to do good but to taste good too. Enjoying just one cup daily could have a huge impact on your health.



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