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The 7 Best Herbal Teas to Relieve Hay Fever

Itchy eyes, sneezing, congestion, coughing – hay fever can turn the summer months into a real trial. If you’re looking for natural ways to ease the symptoms, here’s our pick of the 7 best herbal teas to relieve hay fever.


 For some, the summer months herald a season of fun and relaxation. But for the 20% of us who struggle with hay fever and seasonal allergies, this season comes with some major drawbacks.

Hay fever is an allergic reaction to pollen, and it can make life miserable. Typically at its peak between late March and September, hay fever causes a range of symptoms, including sneezing, itchy eyes, a sore throat, coughing, and difficulty breathing.

Different people react to different species of plants, so exactly when you experience hay fever will depend on which plants you are sensitive to. However, most hay fever sufferers can tell you that the symptoms are at their worst on hot, windy days when the pollen count is especially high.

There’s no cure currently for hay fever, sadly. But there are some things you can do to ease the symptoms and make these months a bit more comfortable.

Often, people who suffer from hay fever turn to antihistamine tablets, drops, or sprays to help them manage the effects of seasonal allergies. However, if you don’t like having to take pills every day, there are some more natural options available.

Certain herbs and spices have properties that can help to relieve hay fever symptoms. We’ve compiled a list of these below.

While there are many ways to incorporate these herbs into your daily routine, we suggest starting with herbal tea. Making tea is a pleasurable way to enjoy these herbs, and the warm liquid can provide some comfort, as well as soothing any sore throats.


The Best Herbal Teas for Hay Fever

1. Eyebright

This modest little flower is mainly used to treat eye conditions like conjunctivitis or eye infections. But its soothing properties also make it a perfect choice for hay fever sufferers, especially if itchy eyes are among your symptoms.

Eyebright is known for its ability to relieve eye irritation, including the itching caused by seasonal allergies. It’s also used to ease coughs and congestion, both of which can accompany hay fever. It contains natural anti-inflammatories that can help to soothe the allergic reaction.

Find eyebright in our NutraVision tea.



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2. Nettle

Despite their bad reputation as a pain-inducing weed, stinging nettles have many useful medicinal qualities, including their ability to relieve hay fever.

Nettles contain compounds that act as natural antihistamines, reducing the allergic response to pollen found in hay fever sufferers. Nettle tea has been a traditional remedy for hay fever for many years. It is also used to ease congestion and coughing.

Nettle is one of the ingredients in our NutraBone tea. Although aimed at supporting bone and joint health, this tea contains several herbs with anti-inflammatory properties that might help to ease the symptoms of hay fever too.



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3. Chamomile

Another traditional treatment for hay fever is chamomile tea. Chamomile is well-known for its calming qualities, which seem to work on seasonal allergies as well as anxiety and stress.

Chamomile is packed with antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties that can help to reduce the symptoms of hay fever. This herb also acts as an antihistamine. And, if your hay fever means you struggle to sleep, chamomile is great for helping you get a better night’s rest too.

Chamomile and other soothing herbs make up our calming NutraRelax tea.



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4. Ginger

Is there anything ginger can’t help? This spicy root is wonderful for a whole range of conditions, including hay fever.

Ginger is a natural antihistamine and can give your immune system a boost, helping you cope with the onslaught of seasonal allergies. Thanks to its ability to relieve pain, ginger can also be a great option for those struggling with headaches as the result of hay fever.

Try ginger in our Ginseng & Ginger flagship blend. While ginger may help your hay fever, ginseng could be what you need to give you a burst of energy, despite your symptoms.



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5. Turmeric

Think of natural anti-inflammatories and one of the first spices that springs to mind is turmeric. This bright yellow spice is well-known for its anti-inflammatory properties.

Turmeric is often used to ease joint and muscle pain, but those anti-inflammatory powers are also great for easing the symptoms of hay fever. Eating or drinking turmeric can help to soothe congestion, coughing, and itchiness.

Find turmeric with cinnamon, another powerful anti-inflammatory, in one of our favourite flagship teas.



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6. Ginkgo Biloba

An important herb in Traditional Chinese Medicine, ginkgo biloba has become increasingly popular around the world for its health benefits.

Packed with antioxidants, ginkgo biloba helps to fight inflammation and acts as a natural antihistamine. It contains compounds called ginkgolides which appear to be especially helpful in reducing lung inflammation and easing breathing issues – like those caused by hay fever.

Like nettle, you can find gingko biloba alongside other anti-inflammatory herbs in our NutraBone blend.



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7. Elderberry

Elderberry is always a popular herb when cold and flu season rolls around, but hay fever sufferers will find this plant useful all year long.

Elderberry is packed with vitamin C, which acts as an antihistamine. And, like many herbs, elderberry also has anti-inflammatory properties. This makes it a great choice for soothing hay fever symptoms like sore throats and coughs.

Try elderberry in our Elderberry & Echinacea flagship tea blend.



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