Health & Wellness, Herbal Teas, Inspiration

Enjoy a Cup of Wellness on World Cancer Day

Best Teas for Cancer Care

Tuesday, February 4th is World Cancer Day. It’s a date that will prove poignant for millions of people around the globe.

Especially when you consider that even here in the UK, one in two people will have some form of cancer in their lifetime. That’s according to the NHS, which spends billions of pounds treating cancer annually. The disease is regarded as the second biggest killer in the world. That’s an alarming statistic, and one of the main reasons the organisers of international World Cancer Day are keen to both raise awareness of the disease, and educate on ways to try and prevent it.

One of the ways to try and guard against a cancer diagnosis is to stock up on antioxidants and anti-inflammatories by what you eat and drink. Antioxidant molecules, such as vitamins C and E, can fight cancer-causing free radicals – those rogue toxins which are known to attack cells in the body. At the same time, anti-inflammatory substances can help dampen down unnecessary inflammation in the body (inflammation can result in cancer if it persists in the body for too long).

Both antioxidants and anti-inflammatories can be found in plant-based foods, such as fruit and vegetables. But they can also be found in herbs and which is why, here at NutraTea we have a range of teas packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.

NutraTeas rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatories

Pine Needle and Rose Hip

A tea aimed at boosting immunity, pine needles are packed with vitamin A and C, ensuring they work well as both an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. They contain so much vitamin C, in fact, that they were used to treat scurvy back in the day. The addition of Rose Hip packs even more of a vitamin C punch, giving yet another boost to the immune system.

Pine Needle Rose Hip tea supports


Mullein Leaf and Thyme

mullein leaf

You may not have heard of Mullein Leaf, but it’s certainly time to become well-acquainted with this yellow-flowering plant. That’s because it has huge anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. So much so, that Mullein was used to treat TB in the UK in the 19th century. Thyme too contains both cancer-fighting properties, thanks to a chemical it has in abundance, known as thymol.


Containing Curcumin, Green tea and Piperine, our Nutrajoint tea is also big on antioxidant and anti-inflammatories. Curcumin is its main constituent and is well-proven for blocking the body’s pathways which lead to inflammation. Green Tea contains a polyphenol known as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which can also help to reduce inflammatory flare-ups.

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Elderberry and Echinacea

A well-known possible preventer of colds, Echinacea in herbal tea form can be found on many a chemist’s shelf. But Elderberry too deserves to be highlighted for its health properties, especially with regards to anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities. It’s the result of elderberry being incredibly rich in anthocyanins. If you’re a fan of berries in general then it’s worth knowing that black elderberries have 10 times more antioxidant benefits than the likes of raspberries, strawberries, blueberries and the rest.

Ginseng and Ginger

A popular component of Traditional Chinese medicine, Ginseng has an abundance of positive properties. And, in terms of being an anti-inflammatory, it’s right up there with the best of the them. Its two active compounds are ginsenosides and gintonin. Ginger actually contains more than 400 bioactive compounds – some of which are known to help fight inflammation in the body. One of these is gingerol, to the extent a teaspoon sized amount has been shown to have impressive health benefits.

Winter wellness gift box ginseng and ginger

Now that you’re familiar with a number of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant power-boosters, what teas will you be sipping on 4th February?



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