Halloween treats at home- Consider these 5 healthy herbal teas

It’s nearly the 31st of October, and it’s time to creep it real! A time when we dive into everything orange, black, green, purple and …candy! Well, in the UK, sweets, chocolates, toffee apples and anything high in sugar.
In fact, the whole of the UK loves to indulge and spend on Halloween on sugary treats, almost quadrupling in 10 years. In 2023, it was estimated that £1 billion would be spent on Halloween sugary treats by the British public.
Not only that, but many Halloween treats are highly unhealthy, being filled with artificial ingredients, high sugar content and additives. This makes them not the best Halloween treat at home to give to children, diabetic individuals and those with health conditions.
If you love to celebrate Halloween, try something different this year. Swap your Halloween treats at home for healthy herbal teas, and treat your taste buds to various flavours in this spooky season. Uncover the best herbal teas suited to Halloween with us below.
5 Herbal teas that make simple halloween treats
Try giving a herbal tea or two as Halloween treats at home this holiday season. Here are 5herbal teas we recommend for Halloween treat gift ideas:
On Halloween, it’s understandable if you can’t completely say no to sugary treats. To help balance out your sugar consumption, you might want to try NutraGlycemia. This low-caffeine herbal tea helps support the maintenance of normal blood glucose levels and insulin metabolism. One of the main herbs in NutraGlycemia is fenugreek, which helps support the metabolism of fats, and cinnamon, which helps with the production of HDL (good) cholesterol. Moreover, NutraGlycemia contains Banaba Leaf and black tea, which encourage weight loss. These are good teas to add to your routine if you’re trying to be consistent with your weight loss goals in this treat-filled time.
Turmeric & Cinnamon
Turmeric & cinnamon is an orange tea that fits in with the spooky theme of Halloween. Drink it when pumpkin carving, watching Halloween horrors, and enjoying the spiced spooky drink. In addition to fitting in with the colours of halloween, Turmeric & Cinnamon come with various health benefits. In particular, it helps with immune health, supporting the health of the lungs and upper respiratory tract. It also helps maintain joint health, bone health, heart function and blood circulation.
Sometimes, participating in all of these Halloween events can leave you feeling a bit fatigued. NutraBoost is a different Halloween treat that can help you feel a bit more vitalised. NutraBoost is a vegan-friendly tea containing green tea, ashwagandha and astragalus, which help you maintain stamina, energy and vitality. It also has liquorice which helps support your mental function, providing you with moments of mental calm during a busy period.
Lemongrass & Ginger
Lemongrass & Ginger is a caffeine free herbal tea that can help digest those sugary treats around Halloween. Lemongrass aids digestion, and ginger promotes the function of the intestinal tract. Ginger is high in antioxidants that can support digestion. Moreover, in different cultures, especially in Asia, lemongrass is used in rituals to protect against negative energies and spirits. So this tea couldn’t be any more fitting for Halloween.
NutraCleanse is an herbal tea that supports detox and digestion, making it perfect for this festival of indulgence. This caffeine-free detox tea contains artichoke, dandelion root, star anise, burdock root, and coriander, which help contribute to the normal function of your intestinal tract and digestion. Cinnamon and coriander in NutraCleanse help support digestive comfort and balance of gas in the digestive tract.
Halloween Treats at Home- Wrapping Up
Overall, Halloween is an exciting time for both adults and children. If you’re someone who’s conscious about your sugar intake, try balancing your Halloween treats at home with herbal teas.
They’re low in caffeine, aid digestion, come in a range of flavours, and have a range of health benefits. They’re great to consume on the night or even at Halloween parties. You can even go further with your Halloween treat gift ideas and give others a Discovery Collection Gift Box.
Want to know more about how to stay healthy in this season? Check out our post – how to build your immune system this Autumn.