Best Teas to Help Detox and Support Kidney Function

World Kidney Day (WKD) this year falls today, Thursday, March 13. A worldwide campaign aiming to both raise awareness of kidney disease and to reduce its frequency, this year’s theme centres around early detection.
Why are our kidneys so important?
Known as the body’s filtration system, the kidneys get rid of waste and extra fluid by making urine. Two bean-shaped organs, the size of an adult fist, the kidneys sit beneath the rib cage on either side of the body.
The ‘cleansing’ action of the kidneys also maintains the pH balance in our blood. That in turn, ensures the nerves, muscles and various other tissues perform as they should. But the work of the kidneys doesn’t just stop there. No, the kidneys also make hormones to stabilise our blood pressure and keep bones strong. Some scientists argue it’s the most important organ in the human body. Maintaining its health then, should be paramount to all of us.
How to keep our kidneys healthy
Drink plenty of water
Considering the human body is 60% water, hydration is extremely important. We have to drink enough water to produce urine and get rid of waste. Otherwise, urinary tract infections or kidney stones could certainly be the result. Ideally, women should drink around eight 200ml glasses of fluid a day, while 10 glasses is good for men. That’s according to Kidney Research UK.
Sip on herbal tea to support the kidneys
Become hydrated in a more flavoursome way than simply drinking water. You can sip on certain delicious herbal teas which provide support to the kidneys at the same time. That’s a definite win-win in our book. Some of the best teas include:
Mainly consisting of Dandelion Root, Uva Ursi and Parsley, this tea aims to help the body’s fluid balance. Dandelion Root and Uva Ursi help flow and clear the urinary tract, while Parsley supports the kidneys to eliminate.
Another tea focused on the urinary tract and the kidneys, Parsley and Yarrow are there to provide protection, while Juniper Berries and Horsetail are excellent for urinary flow.
It is the Dandelion Root in this cleansing tea which helps the urinary tract eliminate excess waste. Artichoke helps keep the intestines clean, while Fennel, Nettle and Burdock Root are also known to support kidney function.
But don’t just take our word for it, studies show that drinking unsweetened and herbal tea can have a beneficial effect. Certainly, this 2023 research paper concluded that there were fewer cases of chronic kidney disease amongst those participants who drunk unsweetened tea, than those who didn’t.
Choose cranberries
Already well-established for their positive effects on the urinary tract system, cranberries – in the form of juice or tea – can provide anti-inflammatories and antioxidants. Many reviews have concluded that cranberries can aid the kidneys in terms of helping to lower the number of urinary tract infections, reducing oxidative stress and providing a healthier gut microbiome.
Go for grapes
Similarly, grapes also have strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties that can help the kidneys work better. The red colour in certain grapes contain flavonoids which, in turn, can help reduce the risk of blood clots. They’re also excellent for quenching thirst when a patient has been put on a ‘liquid light’ diet.
Boost your B Vitamin intake
A lack of Vitamin B6 can lead to kidney stones. That’s because it helps certain metabolic reactions in the body, including that of glyoxylate. The latter can turn to oxalate if not metabolised properly and this is a well-known cause of kidney stones.
And talking of metabolism, those with kidney problems should eat more omega-3 fats than omega-6. As such, fish oil supplements, with their high percentage of omega-3 oils, can help reduce the likelihood of developing kidney stones.