Spring into Action this Month with these Eight Tips

Now that we’re approaching Spring, it’s time to get ready to embrace all the lightness and love the season has to offer.
Having said that, the transition to the lighter months isn’t always the easiest. That’s because we’ve spent so long wrapped in various clothing layers, not to mention huddled up indoors, that the change in the season can often catch us unawares and unprepared.
And that’s why it’s time to start shedding now. Whether it’s putting away those heavy winter woollies, decluttering various rooms in your home, or embracing a new outdoors activity, it’ll all help you ease nicely into the warmer, lighter months. Spring is the season of renewal, after all. Here’s our list of spring must-do’s right here:
Embracing spring the easy way
- Get outside. It’s warmer, the days last longer and it’s just so much nicer being out of doors. Going for a walk, pottering about the garden and soaking up the sunlight is also a great way to boost your vitamin D content. It’s not only good for our physical health, but being active outdoors give our mental health a boost too in the form of endorphins to make us feel happier.
- Declutter your home. Many of us are busy these days – both at work and home, and when life is hectic, a calming environment is all the more important. It’s less distracting and helps us feel on top of things. So, clean out your closets, donate books you’ve already read to friends or the local library/supermarket, and get rid of foodstuffs past their sell-by date.
- Cut back on caffeine. Cut down on caffeine by swapping coffee for herbal tea. There are so many delicious herbal teas around at the moment that you’ll be delighted you took the plunge. Not only will you feel calmer without the additional caffeine, but you’ll also benefit from the many health-inducing qualities of herbal teas. One of our more popular herbal teas is NutraRelax. With each tea bag packed with chamomile, lemon balm, lavender, viburnum and other well-known herbal relaxants, it’ll have you nodding off in no time. Or at least, certainly feeling much less stressed and sleep more of a possibility.
- Spring clean your diet. Increase your energy by concentrating more on wholefoods. Leave the winter stodge behind and swap the carbs for seasonal fruit and veg. Strawberries, an abundance of berries, plums, and apricots are all around at this time of the year. Veg-wise, plump for the likes of artichokes, beetroot, broccoli and spring onions for starters. And if you don’t have the time to cook elaborate stews or casseroles, there’s easier ways to get the vitamin goodness from veg. Take our NutraCleanse tea, for instance. Containing 15% artichoke, as well as fennel and star anise – amongst a range of other cleansing herbal roots – it can help you detox for spring.
- Embrace aromatherapy. With all that physical activity you’ll be doing, it’s important to balance it with some indulgent relaxation. An aromatherapy message is an excellent way to achieve this. Or, simply add some aromatherapy oils to your bath. Treat yourself to a cup of herbal tea at the same time to enhance the rejuvenating effect. We’ve lots of blends and tastes to choose from here at Nutratea, including selection packs to help you find your favourite herbal mixes.
- Practice Mindfulness. This is all about being ‘in the moment’ and it can be anywhere. Being outdoors is an excellent starting point, especially now that spring in here and nature is blossoming all around us. Simply slow down, breathe deeply and be more aware of your senses, particularly sight, smell and sound. The result should be a welcoming sense of well-being.
- Do a digital reset. We’re not saying give up social media, rather ‘tidy up’ your ‘follow’ lists. You don’t need negativity in your life so, if there’s someone whose posts make you regularly feel angry or annoyed, then unfollow them. It’s far better to focus on posts that make you happy and feel more positive about life in general.
- Go green. We don’t mean become a huge eco-advocate, rather get your fingers dirty. If you’ve been thinking of taking up gardening for a while now then spring is the perfect time to get started. If you don’t have access to a garden of your own then volunteer at your local park, National Trust or RSPB site. It’s a great way to appreciate the beauty of nature, be outdoors and get fit all at the same time. You may be feeling a bit sluggish after winter so why not give yourself an energy boost with a few teas designed to get you up and running again? Our Liquorice & Cinammon herbal tea is designed to do just that and if either of those flavours aren’t to your taste, there’s Ginseng & Ginger or our specially-formulated NutraLust blend.